ChaiSenTomg Asthchi
Weight: 90 Capsules Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Please store in a cool dry place- HK$398.00
HK$0.00- HK$398.00
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- per
Chaisentomg Bao Ying Tan
Spec.: 12 bottles per box, 0.3g per bottle. Validity: As shown on package Usage: To be taken orally with warm water. Half bottle for newborns under 1 month old, once a day. 1 bottle for infants between 1 month and 3 years old, once...- HK$168.00
HK$168.00- HK$168.00
- Unit price
- per
Chaisentomg Hou Tsao San Powder
Spec.: 12 bottles per box, 0.3g per bottle. Validity: As shown on package Usage: To be taken orally with warm water. Half bottle for newborns under 1 month old, once a day. 1 bottle for infants between 1 month and 3 years old, once...- HK$188.00
HK$188.00- HK$188.00
- Unit price
- per
Chan Lo Yi Bird's Nest Cordyceps White Phoenix Pil
Bird's Nest Cordyceps Baifeng Pills are formulated according to the ancient formula with remarkable curative effect, using high-quality bird's nest and Cordyceps and other precious medicinal materials. The product effectively nourishes yin and blood, regulates qi, nourishes but not dryness, and relieves women's menstrual...- HK$280.00
HK$280.00- HK$280.00
- Unit price
- per
Chan Lo Yi Bird's Nest Nutrient Pill(26 Bags)
Bird's Nest Nutrient Pills are formulated based on the experience of famous doctors in China and the needs of modern people, and then selected from natural bird's nest and precious medicinal materials through scientific methods. After more than 20 years of clinical use, it...- HK$398.00
- HK$398.00
- Unit price
- per
Chan Lo Yi Bird's Nest Tonic Capsule (120 pills)
燕窩滋陰膠囊是綜合中國歷代名醫醫案經驗及結合現代人生活需要進行配方,再選用天然燕窩及名貴藥材經科學方法配製而成,臨床証實對養顏及由陰虛火旺引至的失眠等症狀很有幫助。藥性溫和,溫中滋陰,男女老幼皆宜,並經香港標準及檢定中心檢定符合標準。每樽120粒膠囊 / 每粒淨重425毫克成分:西洋參、石斛、熟地黃、牡丹皮、茯神、山茱萸、白芍、何首烏及燕窩等功效:滋陰養顏,潤肺補腎,生津養液,幫助睡眠,止渴,去斑,烏髮,減脫髮主治:失眠,五臟六腑功能失調,脫髮及皮膚粗糙等症狀服用方法:成人每日服4粒, 5歲以上小童減半,溫水送服。燥熱者可用淡鹽水送服。 Bird's Nest Ziyin Capsules are formulated based on the medical experience of famous Chinese doctors from past dynasties and the needs of modern people's lives. They are formulated with natural bird's nests and precious medicinal materials through scientific methods. It...- HK$398.00
HK$398.00- HK$398.00
- Unit price
- per
Chan Lo Yi Bird's Nest Tonic Pill(26 Bags)
Bird's Nest Ziyin Pill is a formula based on the experience of famous Chinese doctors in the past dynasties and the needs of modern people's life. It is formulated with high-quality bird's nest and precious medicinal materials through scientific methods. It has been clinically...- HK$398.00
- HK$398.00
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- per
Chan Lo Yi Qu Feng Huo Luo Capsule
Weight: 392mg x 60 capsules Expiry Date: As shown on Package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Store in a dry place at room temperature- HK$218.00
HK$218.00- HK$218.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Chen Jia
Chen Jia Moxa Foot Bath Bag (10 pockets)
Spec: 10 pockets/bag, 40g/pocket- HK$120.00
HK$120.00- HK$120.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Chen Jia
Chen Jia Moxa Rolls (108 Tablets)
Spec: 108 tablets/box, 17*27mm/tablet- HK$68.00
HK$68.00- HK$68.00
- Unit price
- per
Cheong Kun Pain Reliever Oil (38ML)
主治:起效快,止血止痛,治療風濕病,減輕局部腫脹和局部炎症。 用於暫時緩解由以下原因引起的肌肉和關節的輕微酸痛:簡單的背痛、拉傷、瘀傷和扭傷 先用此油清洗患處, 用藥棉蘸油搽於患處 每日一次至二次, 請貯存於較陰涼處 注意事項: 建議使用者,如果用後出現敏感症狀或不良反應,立即停止使用。請用清水沖洗患處,並向醫生求診。 (請儲存於陰涼處不易讓小童拿取) Indications: rapid onset, hemostasis and pain relief, treatment of rheumatism, reduction of local swelling and local inflammation.For the temporary relief of minor soreness in muscles and joints caused by: simple back pain, strains, bruises and...- HK$98.00
HK$98.00- HK$98.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Cheung Lung
Cheung Lung Shan Dong Extreme E Jiao Powder (300g)
Net Weight: 300g Validity: As shown on package Direction: Take one teaspoon at a time and add a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Then, rinse with 20g milk. Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$688.00
HK$0.00- HK$688.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Cheung Lung
Cheung Lung Shang Dong Extreme E Jiao (500g)
Net Weight: 500g Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$1,380.00
HK$0.00- HK$1,380.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Chi Chun Tang
Chi Chun Tang Bird's Nest Kam Chik San
Spec.: 10 bottles per box, 350g per bottle. Validity: As shown on package Usage: Take with porridge for the first five days in the early morning continuously, if diarrhea, temporarily stop three days, continue treatment for five days if necessary. For prevention treatment, take...- HK$148.00
HK$148.00- HK$148.00
- Unit price
- per
Chi Chun Tang Gik Pan Kam Jong Seal Pills
Weight: 300 tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25˚C in a cool and dry place- HK$380.00
HK$380.00- HK$380.00
- Unit price
- per
Chi Chun Tang Jing Zhi Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pien (Sugar Coated 100 Tablets)
Weight: 100 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25˚C in cool and dry place- HK$50.00
HK$0.00- HK$50.00
- Unit price
- per
Chi Chun Tang Koo So Pills
Weight: 40's in bottle Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$260.00
HK$260.00- HK$260.00
- Unit price
- per
CHI CHUN TANG Mi Zhi Niu Huang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated 100 Tablets)
Weight: 100 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25˚C in cool and dry place- HK$50.00
HK$0.00- HK$50.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Chi Chun Tang
Chi Chun Tang Pearl Bat Po Keng Foong Powder
Spec.: 10 bottles per box, 350g per bottle. Validity: As shown on package Usage:New born to one month - half bottle per day, One month to two years old - one bottle per day, Over two years old - one to two bottles twice...- HK$148.00
HK$148.00- HK$148.00
- Unit price
- per
Chi Chun Tang Prostate Hong Pills
Weight: 280 tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25˚C in a cool and dry- HK$280.00
HK$280.00- HK$280.00
- Unit price
- per
Chi Chun Tang Pure Broken Ganoderma Spores
Weight: 340mg x 60 capsules Expiry Date: As shown on Package Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25°C in a cool and dry place- HK$580.00
HK$580.00- HK$580.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Chi Chun Tang
Chi Chun Tang Super Pure Pearl Powder
Spec.: 10 bottles per box, 300g per bottle. Validity: As shown on package Usage: Infants below six month - half of bottle per day. Six month to two years old - one bottle per day. Over two years old - one bottle twice a...- HK$148.00
HK$148.00- HK$148.00
- Unit price
- per
China No.1 Tian Xian Liquid (60 bottles)
Capacity:20ml/bottle, 60 bottle/box Validity: As shown on package Direction:As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$9,900.00
HK$9,900.00- HK$9,900.00
- Unit price
- per
China No.1 Tian Xian Liquid(S)
Spec.: 20ml*20 bottles*3 packs Best befroe: Shown on the pack- HK$11,800.00
HK$11,800.00- HK$11,800.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Yue Hwa
ChinemysReevesiiGray (Each Tael)
Recipe: Poria Cocos Soup with Chinemys Reevesii Shell and Buffalo Skin - Prepare 1 tael of Chinemys Reevesii Shell, 1 tael of buffalo skin, 1 tael of Poria coix, 1 tael of raw coix seed, 1 tael of prickly water lily, 1 tael of...- HK$40.00
- HK$40.00
- Unit price
- per