Beating painkillrt
主治:跌打損傷,紅腫疼痛,血阻不散,扭挫傷等。 功能:消腫止痛,活血去瘀,組組再生,理骨強壯 用法:將膏面之透明紙撕掉,貼在患處,藥力保持24小時,浴後貼用。其效更佳。兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見 Indications: bruises, redness, swelling and pain, persistent blood obstruction, sprains and contusions, etc. Function: Reduce swelling and relieve pain, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, organize regeneration, strengthen bones Usage: Tear off the transparent paper from the ointment and stick...- HK$70.00
HK$70.00- HK$70.00
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