LANZHOU Angelicae Tab (100 pills)
Spec.: 80 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Anshen Bu Xin Wan (300 Pills)
規格:300粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次15粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-03092 Spec.: 300 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-03092- HK$36.00
HK$36.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (Maiwei Dihuang Wan)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$38.00
HK$0.00- HK$38.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan (200 Pills)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
功能主治: 消食導滯和胃 用於食積停滯,脘腹脹滿,噯腐吞酸,不欲飲食- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8-10pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Chuan Qiong Cha Tiao San
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day after meals- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Cong Rong Bu Shen Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-01427 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-01427- HK$42.00
- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Erh Chen Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次12-16粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-01549 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 12-16 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-01549- HK$38.00
- HK$38.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Fructus Persica Compound (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次4粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-03093 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 4 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-03093- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Fuzi Lizhong Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-03829 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-03829- HK$38.00
HK$0.00- HK$38.00
- Unit price
- per
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8-10 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$48.00
HK$0.00- HK$48.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8-10粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-01422 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-01422- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Jian Pi Wan ( 200 pills)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Ku Pen Wan (200 Pills)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 10-12 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 8 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Ming Mu Di Huang Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-00431 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-00431- HK$42.00
- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Mu Xiang Shun QI Wan
Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 10g to be taken orally 2-3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Nu Ke Ba Zhen Wan (200 Pills)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 7 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$36.00
- HK$36.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-01419 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-01419- HK$42.00
- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Qing Qi Iiua Tan Wan
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place. Directions: 6 pills to be taken orally 3 times a day- HK$42.00
HK$0.00- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Shenqi Qi Da Bu Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8-10粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-01424 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-01424- HK$40.00
- HK$40.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Shi Quan Da Bu Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8-10粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-00433 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-00433- HK$42.00
- HK$42.00
- Unit price
- per
LANZHOU Shu Gan Wan (200 Pills)
規格:200粒 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:每日3次,每次8-10粒 存放:密封 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKP-03090 Spec.: 200 pills Expiry Date: Shown on the pack Usage: 3 times per day and 8-10 pills per time Storage: Seal and store in cool, dry place, Hong Kong Registration No.:HKP-03090- HK$58.00
HK$0.00- HK$58.00
- Unit price
- per