THESE Natural Agarwood Essence Oil 5ml
Smell the fragrance: Apply a small amount on the back of your hand or handkerchief, put it on your nose and inhale gently and deeply, or cover your nose and close your eyes and breathe deeply to relieve tension, enhance memory and make your...- HK$342.00
HK$380.00- HK$342.00
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THESE Natural Agarwood Essence Oil 100ml
Smell the fragrance: Apply a small amount on the back of your hand or handkerchief, put it on your nose and inhale gently and deeply, or cover your nose and close your eyes and breathe deeply to relieve tension, enhance memory and make your...- HK$720.00
HK$800.00- HK$720.00
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CanBest Organic Turmeric Powder (300G)
Features of CanBest Organic Turmeric Powder :Powerful Antioxidant / Aids joint health / Aid digestion/ Detoxify LiverTurmeric powder is the main ingredient of curry powder. It is best for cooking turmeric fried rice and turmeric golden milk; adding turmeric powder when cooking meat or...- HK$76.00
HK$76.00- HK$76.00
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Vendor:Wu Feng Li Hong
Wu Feng Li Hong Sichuan Pepper Oil
Net Volume: 400ml Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$36.00
HK$0.00- HK$36.00
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Koong Yick Hak Kwai Oil (30ML)
主治:活血生肌,止痛,消炎散腫,無名腫毒,瘡科爛肉,手腳筋痛,跌打損傷 用適量本品塗擦於患處 注意事項: 外用忌食 兩歲以下小兒及孕婦忌用 兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見 使用時避免觸及眼睛黏膜 如有皮膚過敏反應,請即停止使用 儲存方式: 請存放於乾爽陰涼處, 請放於孩童觸及不到之處 Indications: promoting blood circulation and promoting muscle growth, relieving pain, reducing inflammation and swelling, unknown swelling and poison, rotten flesh of sores, tendon pain in hands and feet, bruisesApply appropriate amount of this...- HK$20.00
HK$0.00- HK$20.00
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Nan San Brand Easy-Flex Spray (60ml)
Capacity: 60ml Validity: As shown on package Direction: Spray the affected area 3-5 times a day. Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$62.00
HK$0.00- HK$62.00
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Tseng noodles(Sichuen Pepper)
Net Weight: 117g x 4Bag Storage Method: Keep in dry cool place and advoid direct sunlight Effective date: marked on the packaging- HK$55.00
HK$68.00- HK$55.00
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Vendor:Heng Shun
Heng Shun Zhen Jiang Vinegar (3 years Matured)
Spec.: 200ml Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$19.00
HK$19.00- HK$19.00
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Jumbo Brand Jinhua Ham Luncheon Meat 340g
Weight: 340g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from light- HK$17.00
HK$0.00- HK$17.00
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Jumbo Brand Chicken Luncheon Meat 397g
Weight: 397g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from light- HK$14.50
HK$0.00- HK$14.50
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Yanqiu Yam Rice Vermicelli
Weight: 0.4kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$18.00
- HK$18.00
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CATALO Child Milk Calcium Formula 100(Zinc Added*)100 Tablets
Milk Calcium is derived from the natural, non-polluted and premium quality milk source that is rich in Calcium and with a balanced minerals profile. Clinical studies reveal that its content is nearly identical to human bone structure, readily absorbable and highly bioavailable. It is...- HK$398.00
HK$398.00- HK$398.00
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Vendor:New Millennium
New Millennium Ganoderma Spore Lipids (120 Capsules)
Manufactured under strict GMP guideline and supervision Intended for people concerned about immunity system May assist in boosting immunity Spec.: 120 capsules/bottle, 210mg/capsule Usage and dosage: Once daily, 1 to 2 soft capsules orally with warm water Expiry date: 2 years. The specific date...- HK$3,999.00
HK$3,999.00- HK$3,999.00
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Crystallized Honey
Weight: 1kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$218.00
- HK$218.00
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There are 28 Page(s) and article(s) for '牛油果油*'
THESE Natural Agarwood Essence Oil 5ml
Smell the fragrance: Apply a small amount on the back of your hand or handkerchief, put it on your nose and...View product -
THESE Natural Agarwood Essence Oil 100ml
Smell the fragrance: Apply a small amount on the back of your hand or handkerchief, put it on your nose and...View product -
CanBest Organic Turmeric Powder (300G)
Features of CanBest Organic Turmeric Powder :Powerful Antioxidant / Aids joint health / Aid digestion/ Detoxify LiverTurmeric powder is the main...View product -
Wu Feng Li Hong Sichuan Pepper Oil
Net Volume: 400ml Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.View product -
Koong Yick Hak Kwai Oil (30ML)
主治:活血生肌,止痛,消炎散腫,無名腫毒,瘡科爛肉,手腳筋痛,跌打損傷 用適量本品塗擦於患處 注意事項: 外用忌食 兩歲以下小兒及孕婦忌用 兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見 使用時避免觸及眼睛黏膜 如有皮膚過敏反應,請即停止使用 儲存方式: 請存放於乾爽陰涼處, 請放於孩童觸及不到之處 Indications: promoting blood circulation and promoting muscle growth, relieving pain,...View product -
Nan San Brand Easy-Flex Spray (60ml)
Capacity: 60ml Validity: As shown on package Direction: Spray the affected area 3-5 times a day. Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep...View product -
Tseng noodles(Sichuen Pepper)
Net Weight: 117g x 4Bag Storage Method: Keep in dry cool place and advoid direct sunlight Effective date: marked on the...View product -
Heng Shun Zhen Jiang Vinegar (3 years Matured)
Spec.: 200ml Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.View product -
Jumbo Brand Jinhua Ham Luncheon Meat 340g
Weight: 340g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from lightView product -
Jumbo Brand Chicken Luncheon Meat 397g
Weight: 397g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from lightView product -
Yanqiu Yam Rice Vermicelli
Weight: 0.4kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
CATALO Child Milk Calcium Formula 100(Zinc Added*)100 Tablets
Milk Calcium is derived from the natural, non-polluted and premium quality milk source that is rich in Calcium and with a...View product -
New Millennium Ganoderma Spore Lipids (120 Capsules)
Manufactured under strict GMP guideline and supervision Intended for people concerned about immunity system May assist in boosting immunity Spec.: 120...View product -
Crystallized Honey
Weight: 1kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
East Great Once OK Two in One (Antibacterial Herbal Powder) (5 sachets)
Capacity: 5 sachets/box, 10.9g/sachet Validity: As shown on package Direction: Remove the plastic bag from the box, soak the medicine bag...View product -
Canbest Organic Chia Seeds (220G)
含豐富膳食纖維,幫助腸道蠕動,保持腸道暢通,預防便秘。 增加一份飽肚感,避開了同一餐吸收過多熱量而引致肥胖的風險,低升糖指數。 遇水後會釋出的啫喱薄膜的水溶性纖維,有助穩定血糖。 含有豐富Omega-3, Omega-3是一種多元不飽和脂肪酸,其中包含EPA & DHA成分,有助活化大腦、促進腦細胞發育, 提升記憶力。 Rich in dietary fiber, it helps intestinal peristalsis, keeps the intestines smooth and...View product -
Kwan Loong Medicated Oil (Family) 57ml
用法:有效紓緩頭暈頭痛、舟車暈浪、鼻塞、肚子疼痛、蚊叮蟲咬、肌肉疼痛、腰酸背痛及扭傷挫傷。 保存於陰涼乾燥處, 適量於患處輕揉,直至驅風油完全吸收 不宜讓小童拿取。只限外用 資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明. Usage: Effectively relieve dizziness and headache, boat and car sickness, nasal congestion, stomach pain, mosquito bites,...View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 3 (5ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product -
CanBest Organic Low GI Coconut Flower Sugar (300G)
加康栢™ 有機低GI椰子花糖椰子花糖的升糖指數值為35,遠較其他糖類低椰子花糖較蔗糖更有助穩定血糖水平因含多種氨基酸,促進新陳代謝,保持身心健康維他命B群有助減少皺紋,促進皮膚骨膠原修復及再生減少脂肪.因其果糖含量較砂糖少 (果糖會被身體自然轉化成脂肪)含多種氨基酸、維他命B群及抗氧化素, 含多種天然礦物質,促進新陳代謝,保持身心健康, 帶焦糖香味,天然清甜及更健康適合任何用途: 跟咖啡及奶茶是完美配合無咖啡因及無麩質HACCP及GMP藥品規格生產The glycemic index of coconut flower sugar is 35, which is much lower than other sugarsCoconut...View product -
Import Fruit Basket Hamper(8 items)
包含以下8款水果: 菠蘿(金笸籮) 產地:菲律賓 奇異果(百子千孫) 產地:紐西蘭/意大利 當造富有柿(大富大貴) 產地:日本 富士蘋果(平安富貴) 產地:日本 正宗金柚(金銀滿屋) 產地:泰國 火龍果(開花結果) 產地:越南 蜜柑(甜甜蜜蜜) 產地:日本/韓國 提子(百子千孫) 產地:日本/韓國 或 亞麒麟果(開花結果)產地:哥倫比View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 2 (10ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product -
CanBest 100% Extra Virgin Avocado Oil (500ml)
1.無精煉(不用化學物)2.以冷壓及離心去雜質法制作3.按HACCP食品最高標準生產及只選用大粒HASS牛油果肉4.色澤呈天然金黃色5. >220℃高煙點6.含Omega-3,6,9及天然葉酸7.抗皺,潤膚,按摩之用、美顏美白等 1. No refining (no chemicals)2. Made by cold pressing and centrifugation to remove impurities3. Produced according to the highest...View product -
EYS Bo Ying Compound (Hong Kong Version)
Spec.: Contains 6 units of 330g each Validity: As shown on package Usage: Newborns till a month old - half a...View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 4 (2.5ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product