Cold Pressed Organic Peanut Oil
Weight: 450ml Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$68.00
- HK$68.00
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Spleen Enhancer
規格:每瓶100克 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:成人每次5克, 每日2-3次, 溫開水送服, 小孩服量酌減 適應: 心脾兩虛; 氣血不足; 心悸失眠; 食慾不振; 倦怠乏力; 頭暈頭痛 成份: 高麗參, 炒白術, 炙黃蓍, 炙甘草, 茯苓, 製遠志, 炒棗仁, 元肉, 當歸, 木香, 大棗 香港中成藥註冊編號:HKC-03639 Specifications: 100 grams per bottle Expiry date: marked on the packagingDosage: Adults take 5 grams each time, 2-3...- HK$198.00
HK$198.00- HK$198.00
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Vendor:New Millennium
New Millennium Ganoderma Spore Lipids (120 Capsules)
Manufactured under strict GMP guideline and supervision Intended for people concerned about immunity system May assist in boosting immunity Spec.: 120 capsules/bottle, 210mg/capsule Usage and dosage: Once daily, 1 to 2 soft capsules orally with warm water Expiry date: 2 years. The specific date...- HK$3,999.00
HK$3,999.00- HK$3,999.00
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Vendor:No.1 Brand
No.1 Abalone(1.5pcs) (425g/can)
Net Weight: 454g Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.- HK$405.00
HK$450.00- HK$405.00
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Jumbo Brand Chicken Luncheon Meat 397g
Weight: 397g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from light- HK$14.50
HK$0.00- HK$14.50
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Vendor:Tat Hong
Tian Ma Tou Tong Wan (Water-honeyed pills)
Weight: 100 pills Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$80.00
HK$80.00- HK$80.00
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Crystallized Honey
Weight: 1kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$218.00
- HK$218.00
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Che Gong Windmill-Real Old Coins (Small)
約高﹕9cm 牛 –刑太歲,雖有{華蓋}星,惟三陰星作惡,凶力倍增。 擺:車公風車、通關令、九彩蓮、轉好運貔貅、守護神古錢、麒麟文昌塔 配帶:火鳳凰、轉好運貔貅 用:沉香皂、燃沉香 化煞去晦招財,催才華運保宅安。- HK$439.00
- HK$439.00
- Unit price
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Weight: 60 granules Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a dry cool place. Keep out of reach of children- HK$350.10
HK$389.00- HK$350.10
- Unit price
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Vendor:Beijing Tong Ren Tang
Beijing Tong Ren Tang - Beijing Niu Huang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated 100 Tablets)
Weight: 100 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Please store in a cool dry place- HK$68.00
HK$68.00- HK$68.00
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Goldem Throat Lozenge
Net weight: 24 g Medicinal rigid sheet: 6 x 2 plates / cartridge- HK$20.00
HK$0.00- HK$20.00
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Beijing Niuhuang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated 50 Tablets)
Weight: 50 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Please store in a cool dry place- HK$38.00
HK$38.00- HK$38.00
- Unit price
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Medicated Soap for Athlete's Foot
Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place- HK$25.00
HK$0.00- HK$25.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor:Wong To Yick
Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Balm (50ML)
Usage and dosage:1. Apply 2-3 drops of medicated balm to the affected area.2. Massage gently with the circle direction with the thumb for 15-20 minutes. Apply force from light to strong. Do not let the patient to be over-pain.3. Repeat 3-5 times daily till...- HK$79.00
HK$79.00- HK$79.00
- Unit price
- per
There are 26 Page(s) and article(s) for '黃道益活絡油*'
Cold Pressed Organic Peanut Oil
Weight: 450ml Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
Spleen Enhancer
規格:每瓶100克 有效期:標示於包裝上 服法:成人每次5克, 每日2-3次, 溫開水送服, 小孩服量酌減 適應: 心脾兩虛; 氣血不足; 心悸失眠; 食慾不振; 倦怠乏力; 頭暈頭痛 成份: 高麗參, 炒白術, 炙黃蓍, 炙甘草, 茯苓, 製遠志, 炒棗仁,...View product -
New Millennium Ganoderma Spore Lipids (120 Capsules)
Manufactured under strict GMP guideline and supervision Intended for people concerned about immunity system May assist in boosting immunity Spec.: 120...View product -
No.1 Abalone(1.5pcs) (425g/can)
Net Weight: 454g Validity: As shown on package Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place.View product -
Jumbo Brand Chicken Luncheon Meat 397g
Weight: 397g Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry place protected from lightView product -
Tian Ma Tou Tong Wan (Water-honeyed pills)
Weight: 100 pills Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
Crystallized Honey
Weight: 1kg Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
Che Gong Windmill-Real Old Coins (Small)
約高﹕9cm 牛 –刑太歲,雖有{華蓋}星,惟三陰星作惡,凶力倍增。 擺:車公風車、通關令、九彩蓮、轉好運貔貅、守護神古錢、麒麟文昌塔 配帶:火鳳凰、轉好運貔貅 用:沉香皂、燃沉香 化煞去晦招財,催才華運保宅安。View product -
Weight: 60 granules Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a dry cool place. Keep out of reach of...View product -
Beijing Tong Ren Tang - Beijing Niu Huang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated 100 Tablets)
Weight: 100 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Please store in a cool dry placeView product -
Beijing Niuhuang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated 50 Tablets)
Weight: 50 Tablets Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Please store in a cool dry placeView product -
Medicated Soap for Athlete's Foot
Expiry Date: As shown on package Storage: Store in a cool and dry placeView product -
Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Balm (50ML)
Usage and dosage:1. Apply 2-3 drops of medicated balm to the affected area.2. Massage gently with the circle direction with the...View product -
Kwan Loong Medicated Oil (Family) 57ml
用法:有效紓緩頭暈頭痛、舟車暈浪、鼻塞、肚子疼痛、蚊叮蟲咬、肌肉疼痛、腰酸背痛及扭傷挫傷。 保存於陰涼乾燥處, 適量於患處輕揉,直至驅風油完全吸收 不宜讓小童拿取。只限外用 資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明. Usage: Effectively relieve dizziness and headache, boat and car sickness, nasal congestion, stomach pain, mosquito bites,...View product -
Goldboss Honlung Dragon Qianli Zhuifeng Ref Oil (40ML)
主治: 適合運動過度、用力不當、年老積勞等,所導致的各種問題。 采用祖傳之有效秘方,天然之植物之精華,先進科學方法,提煉成油 用兩或三滴(視乎輕重而定)搽於患處,輕輕按摩。每日3-4次。如有需要,每三小時可重複一次。 注意事項: 外用忌食 兩歲以下小兒及孕婦忌用 兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見 使用時避免觸及眼睛黏膜 如有皮膚過敏反應,請即停止使用 儲存方式: 請存放於乾爽陰涼處, 請放於孩童觸及不到之處 Indications:It is suitable for various problems caused by...View product -
Cheong Kun Pain Reliever Oil (38ML)
主治:起效快,止血止痛,治療風濕病,減輕局部腫脹和局部炎症。 用於暫時緩解由以下原因引起的肌肉和關節的輕微酸痛:簡單的背痛、拉傷、瘀傷和扭傷 先用此油清洗患處, 用藥棉蘸油搽於患處 每日一次至二次, 請貯存於較陰涼處 注意事項: 建議使用者,如果用後出現敏感症狀或不良反應,立即停止使用。請用清水沖洗患處,並向醫生求診。 (請儲存於陰涼處不易讓小童拿取) Indications: rapid onset, hemostasis and pain relief, treatment of rheumatism, reduction of...View product -
Koong Yick Hak Kwai Oil (30ML)
主治:活血生肌,止痛,消炎散腫,無名腫毒,瘡科爛肉,手腳筋痛,跌打損傷 用適量本品塗擦於患處 注意事項: 外用忌食 兩歲以下小兒及孕婦忌用 兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見 使用時避免觸及眼睛黏膜 如有皮膚過敏反應,請即停止使用 儲存方式: 請存放於乾爽陰涼處, 請放於孩童觸及不到之處 Indications: promoting blood circulation and promoting muscle growth, relieving pain,...View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 2 (10ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 3 (5ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product -
TONG REN TANG Xiang Sha Hewei Wan (6 packs x 6g)
用於脾胃虛弱、消化不良引起: 食慾不振、脘腹冷痛、吞酸嘈雜、大便不調。 成份 木香、枳殼、白朮、厚樸、陳皮、香附、砂仁、蒼朮、山楂、麥芽、甘草、廣藿香、萊服子、茯苓、黨參、半夏曲、六神曲等。 使用方法:口服,一次6克,一日2次。 注意: 忌食生冷油膩。 原產地 中國北京 For weak spleen and stomach, dyspepsia: loss of appetite, cold pain in...View product -
Ling Nam Nutmeg Balm 70ml
功能與主治:止痛消炎,驅風,婦女經痛,小兒肚痛,肌肉疲勞,肌肉疲勞,肌肉酸痛,舟車暈浪 主要成分:荳蔻油,冬青油,桉油,白凡士林,羊毛脂 使用方法:塗擦少許於患處,輕輕按摩。如婦女經痛可輕擦於腹部至暖。 注意事項:只供外用。本品為外用搽藥,忌食。 切勿觸及口腔及眼睛。如皮膚有過敏反應,請即停止使用。 患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。 如對水楊酸甲酯有過敏反應者,使用本品前請咨詢中醫師或醫生意見。 勿放置兒童可取得處。請存放於陰涼處,使用後將蓋蓋好。 Functions and indications: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, menstrual pain in women, abdominal pain in...View product -
LANZHOU Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (Maiwei Dihuang Wan)
Spec.: 200 tablets/bottle Validity: As shown on package Storage: Seal tightly. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep in a cool and dry place....View product -
Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation no. 4 (2.5ml)
用法:用二至三滴和興白花油,塗於患處,輕輕按摩,如有需要,每兩小時重複一次。或倒二至三滴和興白花油於手帕或紙巾上,然後按在鼻上作深呼吸。 有效期:3年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。外用忌食。 如使用後出現紅腫疼痛,應立即停止使用 若症狀或紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿與眼睛接觸,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。嬰兒及孕婦不宜使用。患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品。如對水楊酸有過敏反應者,使用本品前請諮詢中醫師或醫生的意見。 貯藏於攝氏30度或以下。不宜讓小童拿取。資料僅作參考,詳情請參閱產品內之說明。 Usage: Apply two to three drops of Hexingbaihua oil to the affected area, massage gently,...View product